The Kulturbüro Bern rents out services and devices for the stage, audio, video and graphic design to art and culture professionals at a reasonable price. In the store, our digital workshop, you can print, cut, copy, convert, design, read, exchange and access information.
Our offer
Our offer is for artists and creatives from all areas: visual art, graphic design, music, film, text, dance and other creative disciplines. It is also for anyone who needs advice and contacts, professional equipment and infrastructure for their dossiers, exhibitions, showreels, performances and presentations. We look forward to your projects!
Jacqueline Schnyder & Julia Geiser (co-management)
Andreas Lori, Eva Maria Gisler, Jean-Pierre Balmer, Andreas Jenni, Vince Mugg
The Kulturbüro Bern Executive Committee
Barbara Boss, Sile Hofer, Christoph Trummer, Sarah Sartorius, Martina Walthert
The Kulturbüro Bern is a Migros Culture Percentage project and thus part of the social commitment of the Migros Group:
The Kulturbüro Bern is funded by the Migros Culture Percentage and supported by the Burgergemeinde Bern, Kultur Stadt Bern and Ernst Göhner Foundation
Further funders
With kind support for the programme 2023/2024
Zunft zu Zimmerleuten
Zunftgesellschaft zum Affen
Gesellschaft zu Ober-Gerwern
BEKB Förderfonds
Swisslos Kultur Kanton Bern