ABC for cultural offerings in BS/BL: cultural calendars, crowdfunding, FabLabs, recycling, workshops, upcycling, loan of equipment, festivals, artist promotion + various cultural offerings.
ACT Festival / a performance-festival on tour
Agendabasel / online calendar with events and exhibitions from the Basel area
Architekturwoche Basel / biennal platform for architecture and urban development
Architektur Dialoge / details of architecture events in northwestern Switzerland
Artline / online trade magazine for visual art
Atelier Mondial / Atelier Mondial is an international grant programme for artists
BAFF / international puppet theatre festival
Balimage / promotes the importance of film and media art in the Basel region
Basel Kultur / Remits and activities in the Culture department, information on the cultural-political mandate and information on discipline-specific eligibility conditions for applicants.
Bauteilbörse BL / circular material
Bibliothek für Gestaltung Basel / library with trade magazines, exhibition catalogues, illustrated books, research contributions, annuals, lexes, monographs, sample books, standard, introductory works and teaching material for all areas related to design
Bildrausch / unconventional film festival
BSB Mechanik / CNC, prototyping
Bscene / music festival with different stages around the barracks area
BuchBasel / international literature festival
Clair Obscure Festival / film podium for friends of cinematic art, cineastes and followers of the silver screen
Crowdify / crowdfunding
Culturescapes / festival promoting cross-border cultural dialogue
D / non-commercial event calendar for locals on the social scene
Digitalwerkstatt / digital workshop, CNC, laser cut
Dock Basel / hybrid between art room, archives and loan
Druckbus / mobile screen printer
Druckstelle / children and young people experiment with text and pictures
Druckwerk / manual print techniques/orders, courses
Flutlichtfestival / the first and therefore oldest Swiss football film festival
Frida Magazin / Swiss online culture magazine
Gässli FilmFestival / Swiss short film festival with international flair
GGG Digicoach / everyday questions about computers, smartphones or iPads - consultation hour with or without an appointment
GGG Kulturkick / support for artistic and cultural projects for young people under 26
HEK / the Swiss competence centre for examining art, technology and media
HillChill Openair / non-commercial and completely voluntarily organised music festival
Holzwerken / public wood workshop in Basel
Illustrationalisierung / a project by and for young Swiss illustrators
Imagine Festival / the festival is cultural education and educational culture in equal measure
I never read / Art Book Fair Basel
Infoklick / children and young people are given straightforward support in implementing their project ideas
Institut für textiles Forschen / practical and theoretical exchange on textile techniques and issues
JKF / 3-day festival shows regional youth culture
Khaus / a house full of opportunities - space for cultural and socially engaged organisations, cultural and creative artists
KreaB / Verband für Kreativwirtschaft Basel (association for creative industry in Basel)
Kulturbörse / jobs, courses, rooms, second-hand wares
Kulturförderung Schweiz / the online directory has promoters' addresses in the private and public sector
Kunsttage Basel / museums, galleries, exhibition rooms and artist-run spaces liven up the city for 3 days
Leihlager / a place for borrowing things (no rental)
Luststreifen festival/queer-feminist film culture
Lyrikfestival Basel / all types of lyrics
Macherschaft / public workshop/workshops/device pool
Makerspace BL / FabLab for inventors + artists, DIY enthusiasts + originators + technical aficionados
MakeThings / search for and book offers and offer courses, rooms or machines
Moviecamp / the mission is to enthuse children and young people for film as a medium - shoot your own short films.
Musikbüro Basel / promotion of pop and music networks in the Basel region
Schweizer Musikzeitung / trade paper: articles, adverts, concert programmes, calendar of events, etc.
Nachtstadtplan / Basel city map
Offcut / material market
PärkliJam / regional music and dance training is given at this non-commercial festival
Phoenix Druck / self-managed print shop in Kleinbasel
Poster Collection Basel / public poster collection with over 30,000 posters online
Programmzeitung / culture in the Basel area
Pro Helvetia / Swiss cultural foundation
R105 / a venue for young culture
ReparierBar / DIY repair with the professionals
ReppStatt / don't ditch it, fix it!
Revendo / iPhone, iPad, MacBook and more, buy or sell second-hand
RonOrp Basel / tips for your city
Sparx / offers young creative artists between the ages of 18 and 25 time, space, and financial support
Starship Factory / makerspace in Basel
Stellwerk Basel / workspace and place for creative and cultural artists to exchange
Stiftungsverzeichnis / search freely for foundation names, purpose, keywords
SwissInnovationForum Basel / motivated start-ups, courageous people with ideas and committed investors get together
Tanzbüro Basel / promoting dance in and around Basel
Tension Festival / one of Switzerland's biggest electronic festivals
Textilpiazza / textile machine park
Theaterfestival Basel / the best of the theatre scene
Treibstoff Basel / young talents performance + theatre
Tweaklab / tools for media + art
UrbanSketchersDreiländereck / they show the world, picture by picture
Visarte Basel / professional association for visual arts in the Basel region
Wie wärs mal mit / promotion of cultural projects, people's everyday culture + stories
Wemakeit / crowdfunding
Youngstage / global elite of young circus artists
ZeiträumeBasel / festival for music and architecture